Sexual Health

Research has found that 43% of women report sexual dysfunction at some point in their lives; however, the number of women that actually experience sexual dysfunction is likely far greater. Unfortunately, most providers don’t question sexual health concerns at every visit and most patients don’t initiate conversations about their own sexual health concerns. Common concerns include decreased desire, decreased arousal, and pain with intercourse as well as difficulty achieving orgasm. These symptoms are far more common than most women realize and can be experienced by women of all ages and menstrual stages.

The providers at Oswego Progressive Medicine understand that these concerns may have a profound impact on the quality of your life and can lead to lowered ego, self worth and self-esteem. In addition to a significant reduction in life satisfaction, these concerns can often affect the quality of your intimate relationships.
As holistic care providers we take the time to question and identify social, physical and outside influences that may be affecting the quality of your sexual health. These may include factors such as chronic disease, hormonal imbalance, and both prescription and over-the-counter medications. Sexual health concerns don’t have to be accepted as a common symptom of aging! When working with knowledgeable and caring healthcare providers, the cause of these changes can be identified and treated bringing the romance and intimacy back into your life.
