Flu Season Tips

Who has the flu? Not you this season!

Flu season is rapidly approaching! The influenza vaccine is one way to prevent getting the flu, but it is not 100% effective, and can have nasty side effects for certain individuals. The idea of whether to vaccinate or not is a hotly contested issue. At Today Integrative Health and Wellness, we believe that boosting your immune system naturally is the best flu prevention. Your naturopathic physician can help tailor an individualized immune-boosting program for you, but here are some quick and simple tips that everyone can implement to keep themselves healthy this flu season.

Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates. Sugar has been shown to inhibit the immune system by preventing movement of white blood cells, your immune cells, to the area of infection. This is like putting a block in the road between a fire truck and a burning building! Sugar also prevents a particular type of white blood cell from eating up viruses and other bugs to manage infection.

Eat your fruits and vegetables. Colorful fruits and veggies contain powerful immune-boosting nutrients and antioxidants. Try to eat plentiful and differently colored produce daily to take advantage of all the flu-fighting power you can. A good guide is to include at least 5-7 servings per day. (1 serving = 1 medium fruit, ½ cup chopped veggies or fruit, or 1 cup of packed greens)

  1. Quality sleep can improve immune function by providing your body with adequate time to rest and repair. Shoot for 7-9 hours per night whenever possible. Sleep that occurs before midnight is most beneficial.

Relax and de-stress. Chronic stress is a huge detriment to your ability to fight off influenza and other infections. It can lead to changes in your body’s main metabolic hormone, cortisol, that lead to a depressed immune system and potentially a depressed you! Stress also often causes us to make poor food choices and negatively affect our sleep. Try to spend a few minutes per day relaxing in whatever way feels good to you. Yoga, playing with pets, talking to loved ones, and breathing exercises are all great to help you de-stress.

Wash your hands. Every day we inevitably come in contact with billions of germs. Frequent hand-washing, especially before eating, after using the restroom, and before touching your face, can decrease your exposure to those nasty flu bugs.

Ask your naturopathic doctor at Today about optimizing your sleep and diet and how to make stress reduction work for you. Your physician can also prescribe specific nutrients and herbs that are very effective for boosting immune function and preventing the flu. As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office!