Food Allergy Testing

Food allergies vs. food sensitivities

A food allergy often comes with associated symptoms of hives, swollen tongue, difficulty swallowing, asthma, eczema and/or other immediate signs of irritation to that food. Common allergens include milk, corn, nuts, soy and wheat.

A food sensitivity can be much more subtle and difficult to detect. The reaction can be immediate or delayed. It may take several hours to several days before experiencing a reaction. In addition, many different body systems may be affected.

Here are some common symptoms that are associated with food sensitivities.

Nasal congestion shutterstock_132444908
Weight retention
Frequent colds
Headache or migraines
Puffy eyes
Mental fogginess
Muscles and/or joint pain
Mood changes

How to find out if you have food sensitivities

One way to identify food sensitivities is to do a very structured elimination diet. This entails removing the common allergens from your diet, and then reintroducing one at a time to find specific triggers.

Another way to find out is through blood testing. Your immune system responds to food you are sensitive to by creating chemicals that are specific to that food. Specialty labs can measure immune response to 90 different foods in your blood to determine your unique sensitivity profile. You will receive a detailed color report with graphs indicating mild to severe reactions. We will work with you on how to implement diet changes and guide you through this transition process to finding optimal health. Make an appointment today!


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