Accepting New Patients.
Dr. White is seeing patients in person or virtually.
Dr. White is independently practicing within One Space Health Care.
One Space Health Care
15962 Boones Ferry Rd, Suite 204.
Lake Oswego, OR 97035
(503) 675-2439
***To schedule a visit, please click below.***
The following information can help you choose what kind of appointment is best for you:
Virtual Visits
Virtual visits are an effective way to establish care, review labs and discuss new health concerns. The secure video conferencing system Zoom will allow patients to see their doctor and speak with them about their health concerns. Most insurance companies are covering this kind of service. It’s always recommended that you call your insurance to ask about coverage for any type of service. Supplements recommended can be easily purchased online through Fullscript or the retailer of your choosing.
In-Office appointments
In the clinic setting, Dr. White can perform physical exams, draw blood for lab testing, administer IVs and injections. The clinic is staffed with people who are eager to help you with scheduling and relay information to your doctor. Many of the recommended supplements may be purchased in the clinic.
Dr White practices independently at One Space Health Care. Other physicians in this clinic use seperate scheduling and billing systems, but share space and life receptionist support. This is a collaborative environment that allows practitioners to have independent practices.
Brief Phone call
Perfect for a quick clarification of something you’ve already discussed with your doctor or when a question needs a brief dialog. If you’d like to discuss more than one question, please schedule a regular follow up appointment to allow ample time.