Super Mom: Naturopathic Approaches to Stress Management

This week marks the end of summer vacation for many local kids and, as the little ones head back to school, it’s the perfect time to shift some focus to making mom’s health a priority. As Mom, raising your little ones is hardly your only responsibility.  There’s a household to manage, bills to be paid, out-side professions to be fulfilled, and additional family members that may need your care and support.  With all of these responsibilities & stressors draining your super powers, it’s easy to leave your own self-care to the way side.  Following are simple & easy things that you can incorporate into your daily routine to help manage your stress and optimize your health without having to manipulate your already jam-packed schedule:

  • Strive for 5-7 servings of fruits and veggies daily.  Fruits & vegetables are high in vitamins and nutrients our bodies need for stress management and optimal energy and mood.
  • Limit processed foods, sugar, caffeine and alcohol. Besides being difficult for your body to process, these foods are an additional source of stress for your body.  These foods lower your immune response making it easier to catch that cold your little one brought home and, although they may give you a moment of energy, the post-indulgent crash only exacerbates your mid-afternoon doldrums.
  • Eat frequently.  Making healthy food choices and eating small, frequent meals will help maintain your blood sugar levels, keeping your energy up and irritability down.
  • Don’t skimp on sleep.  Sleep is often times hard to come by when you’re managing a household with little ones.  Just as sleep is vital to raising healthy kids, it’s vital for healthy moms as well.  Stick to your sleep routine, and don’t push back your bed time to tend to the dishes – they’ll be there tomorrow & you’ll feel better when you’re well rested.
  • Make “me-time” part of every day. Giving to others can be taxing so be sure to take some me-time every day.  As little as 10 minutes per day to rest, without giving thought to your to-do list, is essential to a successful stress management plan.
  • Exercise regularly.  Time is tight, so going to the gym may be out of the question, but walking or biking 20-30 minutes daily is much more attainable and affordable. Not only is regular aerobic exercise great for lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease but it’s a great stress management tool.

We typically don’t seek health care unless we’re ill, but developing an individualized stress management plan with your trusted health care provider can increase your energy levels, improve your mood, assist with weight management and decrease your risk of future disease.  When Mom is happy and healthy, the whole family is happy and health!
